Mushroom Tagliatelle…ish

A quick, simple recipe that uses a variety of food cupboard goods, by @al_vimh

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300g of Tagliatelle
x1 400g tin of Mushroom Soup
x1 large Red Onion
x1 large tin/jar of Hotdog Sausages (approx. 560g)
50g of Parmesan / Grated Hard Cheese
100g of Grated Cheddar (“Plastic Cheese” is preffered)
2 tbsp Wholegrain Mustard
1 tbsp Salted Butter
x1 tsp Salt
x1 tbsp of Ground Pepper
x2 tbsp Worcester sauce


  1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and place your Tagliatelle in (use timings provided on packet). Drain the water once finished.
  2. Dice the Red Onion and chop Sausages into large chunks.
  3. Bring a seperate pan to a medium heat and place your butter into it
  4. Once the butter is melted add the Sausage, Red Onion, Spices, Worcester Sauce and Mustard into it for 5 minutes (or until darkened)
  5. Turn this pan down to a low/medium hear and empty the Mushroom Soup. Simmer for 5 minutes
  6. Add the Parmesan / Grated Hard Cheese into the mix
  7. Place your drained Tagliatelle onto your serving dish, top with the mix from your saucepan and add Grated Chedder ontop